
Navigating with the Latest Technological Tools

Our team of professionals uses state-of-the-art tools in order to provide our clients with a clearer and deeper vision of their projects, facilitating fast and effective decision making.

Optimized Deterministic Approach

  • Design recommendations.
  • ROM/PIANC Criteria
  • Optimized based on experience
  • Additional requirements
  • Use of AIS data

“Fast-time” Vessel Manoeuvring Software

  • Fast-Time Ship Manoeuvring Simulator

  • Reproduces the trajectory of a ship (2D)

  • Waves, wind, current, depth

  • Geometry of the study area
  • Autopilot Model

  • Additional margins based on international guidelines

Dynamic Mooring Analysis Software

  • Dynamic behaviour of moored vessel
  • Time series of motions, forces and accelerations
  • Greater reliability in demanding scenarios

  • Definition of mooring and fendering equipment
  • Operational limits
  • Vessel / Terminal compatibility